1. Can I apply for a grant?

In general, we expect to identify most giving opportunities via proactive searching and networking.

We expect to fund very few proposals that come to us via unsolicited contact. As such, we have no formal process for accepting such proposals and may not respond to inquiries. (Note that we do not accept any unsolicited proposals for work related to Immigration Policy or Macroeconomic Stabilization Policy.)

If you would like to suggest that we consider a grant — whether for your project or someone else’s — please contact us. We publish a good deal of information on the types of work we seek to fund and why. We recommend reviewing this information before contacting us. A good starting point is our list of focus areas. We also encourage potential Farm Animal Welfare grant applicants to read this guide.

2. Opportunities for funding

While we almost never fund unsolicited proposals, we do run programs that solicit funding requests from individuals, groups, and organizations. If any of these sound like a good fit, we strongly encourage you to apply!

2.1 The University Organizer Fellowship

This fellowship provides funding for individuals who want to direct or support university student groups focused on topics relevant to reducing global catastrophic risks or otherwise improving the long-term future, including effective altruism, longtermism, rationality, or specific cause areas. Individuals are eligible for funding at any university and may apply without a particular university in mind.

See the full post for the application link and more details on the program. There is no application deadline; we will assess applications on a rolling basis.

2.2 Career development and transition funding

This program aims to provide support – in the form of funding for graduate study, unpaid internships, self-study, career transition and exploration periods, and other activities relevant to building career capital – for individuals at any career stage who want to pursue careers that could help to reduce global catastrophic risks or otherwise improve the long-term future.

See the full post for the application link and more details on the program. Applications are open until further notice and will be assessed on a rolling basis.

2.3 Request for proposals for projects to grow our capacity for reducing global catastrophic risks

We are seeking proposals for two kinds of projects:

  • Programs that engage with young people who seem well-suited to building aptitudes that will help them to reduce global catastrophic risks or otherwise improve the long-term future.
  • Programs that share high-quality, nuanced content related to reducing global catastrophic risks or otherwise improving the long-term future with a wide audience.

You can apply to create a project or seriously explore an idea. If you aren’t interested in starting something yourself, you can also apply as a potential collaborator on someone else’s project.

See the full post for application links and more details on the program. There is no application deadline; we will assess applications on a rolling basis.

2.4 Course development grants

This program aims to provide support to academics for the development of university courses (including online courses) on a range of topics related to Open Philanthropy’s work to reduce global catastrophic risks. While we are primarily looking to fund new courses, we are also accepting proposals from applicants who want to convert in-person courses into freely-available online courses.

See the full post for application links and more details on the program. There is no application deadline; we will assess applications on a rolling basis.

2.5 Funding for the translation of web content related to AI safety, global catastrophic risks, effective altruism and adjacent topics

We’re interested in helping more people find high-quality content — books, blog posts, papers, podcasts, videos, articles, etc. — on topics relevant to reducing global catastrophic risks or otherwise improving the long-term future. These include broad topics like effective altruism, global catastrophic risks, longtermism, and rationality, as well as object-level content on cause areas like AI alignment and governance, biosecurity, animal welfare, global health, and so on.

A lot of content like this is only available in English or a few other world languages. This limits how many people it can reach. For this reason, we’d like to fund work that leads to EA-related content getting translated from English into other languages.

We’re looking for individuals or teams working on this full-time as part of an ambitious project.

See this post for more details, and apply using this form. There is no application deadline; we will assess applications on a rolling basis.

2.6 Request for proposals: Benchmarking LLM agents on consequential real-world tasks

We are looking to fund the creation of benchmarks that measure how close LLM agents can get to performing consequential real-world tasks.

Anyone is eligible to apply, including those working in academia, nonprofits, or independently; we are also open to making restricted grants to projects housed within for-profit companies. A grant would include funding for LLM API credits and other forms of compute; we expect grants to be in the range of $0.3-3 million over a period of 6 months to 2 years. You must submit an expression of interest by July 26, 2024 to be considered.

See this page for the application link and more details on the RFP.

2.7 Request for proposals: AI governance

We are looking to fund work across six subject areas related to AI governance: technical AI governance, policy development, frontier company policy, international AI governance, law, and strategic analysis and threat modeling.

Anyone is eligible to apply, including those working in academia, nonprofits, industry, or independently. We will evaluate expressions of interest on a rolling basis. 

See this page for the application link and more details on the RFP.

3. What is your process for evaluating potential grants?

Our process for evaluating potential grants is evolving, and it varies quite a bit from case to case.

When we are considering a grant, one of our staff will serve as the primary investigator and contact person for the potential grantee. This person will explain the process we intend to follow for evaluating the particular grant and answer any questions. In general, our process involves the following:

  • The investigator will have one or more initial conversations with the potential grantee, to get a basic picture of the case for the grant.
  • The investigator will aim to answer key questions about the grant, through a mix of conversations with the potential grantee, requests for written materials, and conversations with others. The depth with which we investigate potential grants varies; it will be higher for grants that are larger and/or likely to require more involvement from our staff.
  • The investigator will write up their view of the case for the grant, so that they can discuss it internally and come to a decision.
  • Grants typically will be recommended to the Open Philanthropy Project fund, an advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. In some cases, we make grants directly from the Open Philanthropy Project 501(c)(3) or make recommendations to Good Ventures, the Open Philanthropy Action Fund (a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization), or to other entities.
  • Throughout the process, the investigator will aim to keep the grantee posted on the likelihood of receiving a grant, the likely timeline, and the likely amount of investigation that will be needed.

4. Do you require grantees to share information publicly? Are you willing to keep some information confidential?

We seek to share a significant amount of information about our work, and the work we support, publicly. All else equal, we prefer making grants about which we can share more information.

With that said, we aim to balance our commitment to information-sharing with our commitment to maximizing our impact and building strong and productive partnerships. That means:

  • We never share private information from another organization or individual without permission.
  • We share drafts of our grant writeups (upon request) and blog posts with the people and organizations discussed therein and invite their suggestions.
  • We work with our partners to make key information public without unnecessarily undermining their work.
  • We write more thoroughly about major decisions and grants than minor ones.
  • If we encountered an outstanding giving opportunity where the costs of information sharing significantly outweighed the benefits, we would fund the opportunity and refrain from discussing it. But because we believe the benefits of information sharing are substantial, we would set the bar accordingly high.