Pandemics have the potential to cause significant, and perhaps unprecedented, harm.

Biosecurity & Pandemic Preparedness
We’re interested in supporting activities that could reduce the threat of a major global disruption.
We have long believed that natural pandemics represent one of the biggest current risks to global welfare and stability, and the risks from engineered pandemics — whether via accidents or misuse — may grow in the future. Though we have worked in this field since 2015, the COVID-19 pandemic laid bare the enormous potential costs, in terms of lives lost and economic damage, and strengthened our resolve in ensuring nothing worse be allowed to come to pass. We’re interested in supporting the strengthening of disease surveillance, the governance of dual use research, policy development, and other activities that could reduce the threat of a major global disruption. We see relatively little philanthropic support in this area, and believe that philanthropy may have an important role to play, distinct from that of government.
The following Open Philanthropy staff oversee the Biosecurity & Pandemic Preparedness program.
Biosecurity & Pandemic Preparedness, at a glance
130+ Grants
Made -
$210+ Million